“Hunt employs occasional wry wit and moves the story along with rapid-fire discoveries … the plot builds up to a shocking finale that even jaded readers won’t see coming. Any fan of medical thrillers, ethical quagmires, and surprise endings will relish this gripping cautionary tale.” —Booklife
Click HERE for the full Booklife article

“Hunt has succeeded in spades to put together a fast-paced yarn with twists and stunning revelations. Every action and utterance is well thought out and works to advance the plot.” —Booktrib
Click HERE for the full Booktrib article

“Hunt’s masterfully plotted and sequenced DNA-focused narrative with both good- and bad-intentioned characters attests to the durability of and fascination with the medical thriller genre, riding a 40-year wave of commercial prominence triggered by Robin Cook’s Coma and Michael Crichton’s The Andromeda Strain. Her work shows that even a debut author with a strong sense of craft can successfully crack the category. ” –The Big Thrill
Click HERE for the full Big Thrill article

“Shanon Hunt’s The Pain Colony is a tantalizing work of fiction that will keep any reader on the edge of their seat, as each startling twist and turn unveils the shocking truth you will never see coming!” –Red Headed Book Lover
Click HERE for the full Red Headed Book Lover article

“They definitely built the suspense as they creep closer and closer to the truth. And what was that truth? Well, I was surprised! So creepy! So possible! I’m definitely looking forward to Book 2. 5/5 stars.” –Dab of Darkness Book Reviews
Click HERE for the full Dab of Darkness Book Reviews article

“She puts her fifteen years as a pharmaceutical executive to good use and does her best to depict, within realistic boundaries, the actual possibilities of genetic science, how they might be used for both good and evil, and perhaps most importantly, how they can reshape our society beyond recognition.” –Bookwormex
Click HERE for the full Bookwormex article

“There is an amazing plot twist towards the end that I dared to guess earlier in the story but it was so unexpected and edgy that I was not sure it could be pulled off… but it was, and masterfully! It left me astonished! I am sure it will surprise most readers.” –Lomeraniel
Click HERE for the full Lomeraniel article

“This book was fantastic! I loved every second of it. It was strange, quirky, original, and oh so suspenseful! By the time I got to the end I was saying – ‘Are you kidding me!?!?!'” –Wall-to-Wall Books
Click HERE for the full Wall-to-Wall Books article

The science in the book was interesting and the ethics of the CRISPR gene editing technology really made me stop and think. Being a scientist who works in clinical trials and will be involved in gene editing in the near future, this story really gave me some things to think about. I know it’s fiction, there are a lot of truths in here. Pretty scary stuff. –From the TBR Pile
Click HERE for the full From the TBR Pile article